Announcement of LIRAT.ME v Beta 2.0

شاركت شركة عبسي ومشروع تراثيوم بالمعرض اللبناني السادس للطوابع والعملات الذي اقامته الجمعية اللبنانية لهواة الطوابع والعملات في مبنى بلدية سن الفيل بين 23 و24 آذار 2019، وفيه اعلنت الشركة عن العديد من المنتجات والمشاريع. تحديث جديد لموقع LIRAT.ME أعلن المهندس عبدالله عبسي عن نشر التحديث الجديد (الاصدار التجريبي 2.0) لموقع LIRAT.ME v Beta 2.0 …

Basic Digital Repository Concepts

MINT AND PRINT 2018 Presentation Engineer Abdallah Absi presented the following presentation titled Sharing Your Collection With The World during Mint and Print International Conference 2018 held in Beirut between 24th and 29th of September 2018. In his presentation Mr. Absi explained how he mapped numismatic properties to Dublin Core vocabulary, (in other words defining …

BDL Essais are now part of LRC

Turathium added today the BDL set of six essais to LRC. The new coins has been purchased with their original sealed nylon pack distinguished by the French flag printed along one side with “Monnaie de Paris” repeated in Italic style over it.

Announcement of LIRAT.ME website and Monnaie du Liban Display System

LIRAT.ME website (first beta release) and Monnaie du Liban Display System were both announced by Absi co and Turathium during Beirut Money fair 2018 (22-24 June). For the first time the complete collection of Lebanon circulating coins was displayed using Monnaie du Liban Display System – a set of 19 airtight frames designed in accordance …

Announcing the starting up of The Medals and Coins Museum project

Absi Co. in association with Turathium announced the starting up of The Medals and Coins Museum project during The Fifth Lebanese Philatelic and Numismatic Fair at Sin el-Fil, Lebanon on April 21 – 22, 2018.
